I got the results back from my Beta and so far so good she said my numbers went up to 3000 which is normal for 5 weeks so I guess when I found out I was barely 4 weeks pregnant. I turn 6 weeks on Thursday and am going to have an ultrasound done that day I am really looking forward to that and hoping we can see the heartbeat....I am keeping my fingers crossed.
I am stealing this from a message board I frequent on thenest.com but I thought this was cute survey. Its posted weekly and all the pregnant ladies respond with a weekly update so I am going to try and do one of these once a week in my blog otherwise I will not remember to update.
How far along are you? 5 weeks 4 days
Maternity clothes? None as of yet
Weight – Loss or Gain? Actually lost 2 pounds
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: Wake up in the middle night for a bathroom trip every 2 seconds otherwise I am exhausted so all I do is sleep!
Best moment this week: Getting the results of my second Betas
Any Movement?: Way too soon
Food Cravings?: I dont really have an appetite but the two times I had a craving it was for some type of meat. Last Thursday I had to have a hamburger and I wanted nothing but that and then Saturday I had to have a steak. I think this is because I typically do not eat alot of red meat.
Food Aversions?: Pizza :-( I ate some last night and the toilet became my friend and from that point on the smell just made me so sick.
Belly Button in or out? Still in
What do you miss: Coca Cola...I am taking a break from all caffiene and I really miss Coke.
What are you looking forward to: My Ultrasound Thursday I hope we can at least see the heartbeat on the screen
Weekly Wisdom: Pregnancy make you sleepy is an understatement I have no energy and usually can fall asleep at the drop of a dime.
Milestones: Telling my best friend I was expecting. She cried...