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Monday, June 1, 2009

I Passed!!!

I had to take my Math exam this morning in order to recieve my provisional certification and I passed!! I am so glad that is over with. I have failed it by 1 point twice!!! which is more frustrating than failing it substantially. But today I not only passed but I passed by quite a few points :-) So I am free from standardized test. For now.

In cycle news I am either 6 or 7 days past ovulation not 100% sure. I had some cramping on yesterday and the day before which made me nervous because I thought maybe I missed O but then I noticed lotion like CM which is not fertile so I think I am safe.

So this cycle will be over sometime next week I hope. Unless I end up like one of the GP ladies with 100 days with AF that would really suck and make me sad :-(

Well time will tell.

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